With the combined experience of 40 years in the business of fashion, the company founders recognized the challenges created by the changing environment for luxury brands in managing their global wholesale networks. This led to the development in 2015 of the world’s first B2B virtual showroom platform ORDRE.com which introduced many brands to their first virtual showroom experience and permanently established a new channel for the business of fashion globally alongside fashion weeks and physical showrooms. This innovation has been the backbone of many businesses during the pandemic and is now the new normal.
Quickly realising the need for enhanced digital images and a buyer’s need to view all aspects of a product online in their merchandising decisions led to the development of ORB360˚. Respected as the fashion industry’s default 360˚ view technology for both B2B and consumer applications it is now used by over 300 luxury brands worldwide.
With the adoption of virtual showrooms, major designers wanted to be able to present a fully custom solution for their retailers and media, subsequently, ORDRE META was launched in 2019.
Working across digital innovation with multiple luxury fashion designers the company recognised the need to combat the market for counterfeit goods and created technologies to establish digital product passports (DPP) with the option to create digital twins. Launched in 2021 the AUTHENTIQUE App allows consumers to scan a luxury product and authenticate it against its digital fingerprint with the option to utilise Web 3. If Web 3 is selected, after the product is purchased, its digital twin is transferred to the App proving ownership.
Through its deep understanding of the business of fashion, the ORDRE Group will continue to apply the latest technologies to solve problems across the fashion supply chain as the industry moves to a more sustainable future.
The company employs close to 50 full-time staff members and contractors from its operating locations in Europe, North America, and the Asia Pacific. It is fortunate to have a prestigious group of shareholders including global technology conglomerates, financial institutions, leading technology venture capitals in addition to the founders.